"Beast" is a psychological thriller film directed by Michael Pearce, released in 2017. Set on the island of Jersey, the film follows Moll, played by Jessie Buckley, a young woman who becomes romantically involved with a mysterious outsider named Pascal Renouf, played by Johnny Flynn. As their relationship deepens, Moll begins to question Pascal's past and his potential involvement in a series of brutal murders that have rocked the island.
One of the most striking aspects of "Beast" is its atmospheric and immersive portrayal of the island setting. Michael Pearce captures the rugged beauty of Jersey's landscapes, juxtaposing its serene natural beauty with the underlying tension and darkness that permeates the narrative. The remote and insular island serves as a fitting backdrop for the unfolding mystery, amplifying the sense of isolation and claustrophobia experienced by the characters.
At the heart of the film is Jessie Buckley's mesmerizing performance as Moll. Buckley imbues the character with a blend of vulnerability, defiance, and raw intensity, making her journey from timid outsider to empowered protagonist both compelling and believable. Her chemistry with Johnny Flynn's Pascal is electric, adding layers of complexity to their tumultuous relationship.
Johnny Flynn delivers a nuanced and enigmatic performance as Pascal, blurring the lines between charm and menace. Throughout the film, Pascal remains an enigmatic figure, his true intentions and motivations shrouded in mystery. Flynn's portrayal keeps audiences guessing, constantly questioning whether Pascal is a misunderstood outcast or a dangerous predator.
"Beast" is a slow-burn thriller that relies heavily on atmosphere and character development to build suspense. Michael Pearce deftly ratchets up the tension, gradually unveiling the dark secrets lurking beneath the surface of Moll's seemingly idyllic existence. The film keeps viewers on edge as they are drawn deeper into Moll and Pascal's increasingly complex and dangerous relationship.
Thematically, "Beast" explores ideas of identity, desire, and the primal instincts that lie dormant within us all. Moll's struggle to assert her independence and break free from the constraints of her oppressive family mirrors her internal battle to reconcile her own dark impulses with societal expectations. The film delves into the complexities of human nature, challenging audiences to confront their own capacity for darkness.
Overall, "Beast" is a gripping and atmospheric thriller that offers a fresh take on the genre. Anchored by Jessie Buckley's powerhouse performance and Michael Pearce's assured direction, the film is a haunting and thought-provoking exploration of love, obsession, and the thin line between civilization and savagery. For fans of psychological thrillers, "Beast" is a must-see film that will linger in the mind long after the credits roll.